Our Saint Patrick Youth Choirs including twenty children, youth, and chaperones went on a trip to sing for residents at Juniper Village on Wednesday, May 29. The residents were thrilled, some moved to tears, and all hoped the group would return very soon. The group also enjoyed a wonderful meal together at Prestige Diner in New Providence! Congratulations to the Boys & Girls Choir and God Unplugged Choir for a fantastic year sharing their gifts at St. Patrick Church masses and special events!
THIS WEEKEND is the Feast of Corpus Christi Food Collection! This collection, sponsored by Catholic Charities, will help offer assistance to those most in need right in our own communities. Our parish has been asked to provide any cold cereal or shampoo. Please drop off your donations before or after masses at the priests' garage. Monetary contributions will also be accepted by visiting https://www.ccpaterson.org/corpus Thank you for your generosity and support for those in need in our own community!
Join us for our monthly, first Saturday Marian Devotion on June 1 at 8:00 am in the Church. Fr. Chris will be celebrant. All are invited! No sign-up necessary!
Save the Date! Our annual Appalachia Car Wash fundraiser is Saturday, June 15, 2024 from 8:30 am until 2:00 pm in the St. Patrick Parish Parking lot! Pre-sale tickets will be available after all masses the weekend of June 6 and 7! Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door. Sponsored by our youth ministry and Certain Place Ministries. Proceeds will go towards the annual Appalachia Help Weeks initiative.
Congratulations to our eighty-two Youth Ministry teens who were confirmed on Tuesday, May 14, 2024! Bishop Sweeney celebrated this final Sacrament of Initiation where each candidate was sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit after two years of preparation. Thank you to our youth minister, Maggie Grady, her assistant, Jerry Del Priore and peer ministry leaders for their dedication, support and guidance to our Youth Ministry and Confirmation teens and programs!
Congratulations to the fifty-six parish and school children who came to the Table of the Lord for this first time this April and May! Thank you to Karen Hoerrner, our Coordinator of Faith Formation, and her team that prepared and practiced with the children so they were fully prepared to celebrate this sacrament!
Twice a year, St. Patrick Parish "hosts" Family Promise guests, providing food and necessities for those in need. Prior to the pandemic, guests stayed in our Parish Center. Now they live in Morris County motels as they get back on their feet. Family Promise supplies food, services to help in obtaining a job and more! Our generous parishioners have fulfilled almost EVERY need requested by Family Promise during our host week. We are still looking for a few additional grocery and Target gift cards and some canned or bottled beverages. Please click on the title of this news article to be directed to the link to see what is still needed. Thank you!
This week is in honor of nurses and at the Parish we took the opportunity to celebrate the many nurses that have served our parish for over 20 years! Celebrating a 10-year anniversary in our Nurses' Ministry is Mary Anne and Kay is celebrating 20 years as a parish nurse! Please join us in congratulating and thanking them for their service! Exciting things are being planned for the fall that will be offered by our Parish Nurses' Ministry based on the results of our Parish Nurses' survey. Details to follow soon!
Bishop Sweeney has authorized a Diocesan-wide food collection in all parishes and agencies on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd. St. Patrick Parish is being asked to donate any cold cereal or shampoo. Monetary donations will also be accepted and can be made online at www.ccpaterson.org/corpus. Thank you for helping us fill our food pantries during the critical summer months when children are home from school and for fulfilling our obligations to the poor.
We need 2 drivers to deliver the food collected for the Feast of Corpus Christi Food Collection. Donations from St. Patrick Parish will need to be delivered to Saint Simon the Apostle in Newfoundland, NJ on June 3 or Jun 4. Contact the Parish Office if you can help!
Thank you to all parishioners that completed the survey regarding the needs of our parish and how our Parish Nurses' Ministry serves and supports our parish and parishioners! A survey was emailed to our parishioners and many responded. If you did NOT complete the online survey, please complete the paper survey located at the doors of the church this weekend. Completed forms can be left in the marked baskets at the doors of the church. Thank you for your thoughts and input!