Part 1 of our 2-part series
End of Life Issues: Starting the Conversation, was held on September 24 with topics including advanced directives, POLST, hospice, legal considerations and planning, and Catholic traditions and guidelines. Presenters included Michele Cameron RN, BSN, MA, CMC from Atlantic HomeCare and Hospice, Sr. Paricia Cody S.C., Esq., President-Catholic HealthCare Partnership of NJ and our own Fr. Bob Mitchell, Pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Chatham. For the second part of this series. Scott Bradley from Bradley and Sons Funeral Home discussed the services and support you can expect from a funeral home. Ms. Pam Koch, Certified Pastoral Bereavement Counselor defined bereavement, stages of grief, children in grief and the differences in how men and women grieve. Fr. Bob Mitchell gave insight regarding Catholic traditions and guidelines, wakes and funeral masses. All are welcome to join us for the second part of this series. Attendance at Part 1 is not a requirement to join us for Part 2.