Altar Servers
Young women and men in grades 4-12 are welcome to serve at the altar during liturgy assisting the presider and deacon. Training is provided and a schedule is created based on each individual’s availability.
Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are commissioned by the bishop to assist in ministering the Lord’s Body and Blood at Mass. Additional ministers are always needed and preparation sessions are held regularly. Ministers are also invited to attend parish-provided renewal programs each year.
Contact: Mary Voytus - [email protected]
Lectors proclaim the lections and, as needed, the Prayers of the Faithful at Eucharistic liturgies. All fully initiated Catholics are welcome to serve. Mass assignments average 1-3 masses per month. Training and ongoing formation is provided.
Staff Contact: Mark Nixon - [email protected] 973-635-0484
Ministers of Hospitality
Members of the parish community assist at weekend and special liturgies through service as ushers and greeters to our worship service. These ministers provide a welcoming first impression and a vital role throughout services.
Staff Contact: Vonnie Gibbons - [email protected]
Music Ministry
Music is an integral part of the liturgy and our many choirs enhance the celebration of mass. There are five different choirs welcoming vocalist and instrumentalist members from 5 years of age and up. No specific musical talent needed except an appreciation for this ministry. Assistance is always needed with children’s choirs and administrative tasks.
Staff Contact: Maggie Hanson - [email protected] 973-635-0625 x 161
Liturgical Arts & Environment
This group labors to maintain the liturgical environment throughout the year with special attention during Advent & Christmas and Lent & Easter seasons.
Altar Linens
This group takes responsibility for cleaning and ironing the altar linens used by the priests and Eucharistic ministers for masses. Those called to this ministry feel a close connection to the Eucharist by spending time in preparing for the celebration.
Contact: Mary Voytus [email protected]