Your financial support enables our parish to continue to thrive!
God calls us to to support our parish community in different ways, Some of these ways include financial support such as donations of monetary funds, stocks, and bonds, as well as the gift of our time. Your monetary donations enable our parish to support many programs both here in our own parish community as well as our brothers and sisters in need throughout our diocese. St. Patrick Parish is pleased to offer several options for our parishioners and guests to choose from when making a monetary donation to our parish. One of the easiest is to sign up for Online Giving. To create an Online Giving account or to donate without creating an account, please follow the directions below. Thank you for your generosity and supporting our parish!
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The St. Patrick Parish website holds an SSL Certificate for security protection of all data. Our payments and donations page has 256-bit encryption so financial information is securely ttranmitted. All one-time processed payments and donations take place securely on our domain. These transactions are not sent to a secondary URL. We are also PCI compliant to reduce potential fraud.
St. Patrick Parish
41 Oliver St.
Chatham, NJ 07928
We are here to help! Please contact us at the parish office at 973-635-0625 or via email. Our pastoral staff directory can by found on our website Welcome page or by clicking here:
Staff Directory
What's my St. Patrick Parish Envelope Account Number?
Your envelope account number can be found in the upper right-hand corner of your offertory envelope. It can be 2-4 digits in length. Don't have an envelope handy? Contact the parish office at 973-635-0625 and we will be happy to look it up for you!
Don't receive offertory envelopes and would like to?
To have offertory envelopes mailed to your home is easy! Please contact the parish office at 973-635-0625 to be assigned a parish envelope account number and get on our envelope distribution list!