The catechetical mission of the Church is to help the faithful of all ages grow in both human and Christian maturity so that we as disciples of Jesus can grow in our Catholic identity and proclaim the Good News. At St. Patrick Parish, we are committed to support our parishioners in their faith journey, wherever they are in that journey. For those just beginning to answer God's call, we have formation support and opportunities for adults in our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Program as well as programs for children. Liturgy of the Word with Children and Children's Church is offered at the 9:30 am mass for children ages 3 through 8, teaching them about the faith at a level appropriate for children of this age. We also offer Faith Formation classes for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. In addition to faith knowledge classes, our 8th graders have the opportunity to participate in grade level retreat, enhancing their faith journey. At St. Patrick Parish, our elementary school offers many opportunities for formation. High school age youth participate in our St. Patrick Youth Ministry Program (SPYM), where teens continue in their faith journey as retreat participants and leaders as well as serving our brothers and sisters in need through various outreach projects. There are many adult formation opportunities available at our parish including missions, retreats, and groups. Please visit our RCIA, Youth Faith Formation, St. Patrick School or Adult Faith Formation webpages or call the parish office at 973-635-0625 for more information about any of our formation programs.